Remiges Alya

Remiges Alya is our awesome platform for building modern applications. It has libraries for server-side code written in Go and Java, and for front-end code written in Angular (for browser-based front-ends and mobile apps in Ionic) and Flutter. Alya is open source, you can download everything from Github.

This blog carries announcements, policy statements, etc, about Alya.

What is Remiges Alya?

Remiges Alya is a powerful platform for developers to write applications on. It offers facilities and features which are missing from other popular platforms. It is not a low-code or a no-code platform — developers need to write Go or Java for server-side code, and Angular Typescript for front-end code, just like they do elsewhere.

Remiges Alya aims to address various needs of most developers working on large enterprise applications, by providing library functions (for validation, user identity, etc) subsystems (for batch processing and slow operations), error response formatting and structuring, internationalisation, authorization, etc. Some of the features in Alya are not available in any other platform we have seen, and are used for almost all projects which we (at Remiges) deliver to our clients, thus indicating their market relevance.

Remiges Alya is open source, and it is our strategic decision to keep it under an open source licence permanently. There is no Community Edition and Enterprise Edition and other editions — what we offer is exactly, and all of, what we use. We apply the Apache Licence 2.0, which is less restrictive than some other free software licences. We also intend to host our source code base on Github.

Programmers building applications using Remiges Alya do not need to learn any new programming language or new way of thinking. They will continue to write using Eclipse, VS Code, or other favourite IDE.